Consultancy and Total Solutions Training Provider for Embedded Systems, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Programming, Computing, Operations, ISO9000, ISO14000 and Management.

Bridging the Gap

Training Courses

Practical Layout and Routing of Mixed-Signal PCBs

Course id: 0009


Proper Printed Circuit Board layout and routing is vital for signal integrity of high speed and sensitive electronics circuits. Failure to adhere to layout and routing rules, guidelines and recommendations could easily compromise the electromagnetic compatibility of a system, or at worst preventing it from working entirely.

This course is specifically tailored for engineers intending to develop reliable PCBs with an emphasis on mixed signal circuits (analogue, digital, RF) and high speed signaling standards such as LVDS, ECL, USB and DDR2/DDR3. Lectures are interlaced with hands-on practicals to maximize learning effectiveness.

Course highlight
Participants will have practical experiences developing real-world, high speed, mixed signal PCBs using EDA tools.

What participants say about the course
The following are some verbatim statements from the participants:

  • Strong interaction, content is applicable and practical -- Oct 2010
  • Practical & lots of lab work. It's great! -- Oct 2010
  • Hands-on and theory done at the same time, easy to understand the theory by doing the lab exercises -- Oct 2010
  • I understand the constraints and the need to inform layout engineers on some important critical nets when they are laying out -- Dec 2010

What you will learn

This course concentrates on the theoretical and practical knowledge to allow participants to achieve the following learning outcomes. Upon completing the course, participants would be able to:
  • Understand the terminology used in by the PCB industry
  • Use guidelines to determine pad and trace widths and spacing for various voltages and currents
  • Properly zone PCBs into the analogue, digital and RF domain
  • Classify and place components to minimize noise
  • Prioritize and route nets to minimize crosstalk and signal distortion
  • Implement power and ground planes for effective noise reduction
  • Route I2C, SPI, LVDS, ECL, USB, PCIE, DDR2 and DDR3 signals

Who should attend

This course is particularly suited for engineers responsible for designing, implementing and testing low noise, digital, high speed, RF and mixed signal PCBs.


Participants are required to have a background in electronics and/or electrical engineering. Experience with EDA tools, particularly schematic capture and PCB layout tools, would be beneficial.

Course methodology

This course is presented in a workshop style with example-led lectures interlaced with hands-on practical for maximum understanding.

Course duration

3 days.

Course structure

Day 1
  • Overview: terminology, standards
  • Material: substrate, copper cladding
  • Manufacturing process: overview, paneling, drilling, etching, plating, solder resist, silkscreening, electrical test, routing
  • PCB assembly: component placement, soldering, conformal coating
  • Multilayed PCBs: multilayer process, interconnecting layers
  • Footprints: common footprints, custom footprints
  • Pads: pad size, vias, drill size, thermal reliefs, padstack
  • Components: categorization, placement, gate swapping
Day 2
  • Nets: categorization, power distribution, trace width and spacing
  • Routing: net placement, manual routing, jumpers, auto routing
  • Mechanics: planes, heat sink, obstacles, keep-outs, fiducial, mounting holes
  • EDA output: Design Rule Check, Gerber
  • Low noise circuits: shielding
  • RF Circuits: impedance matching, intrinsic R, L, C
  • Combined analogue, digital and RF
Day 3
  • Digital signaling: TTL, I2C, SPI
  • Differential signaling: LVDS, ECL, USB, PCIe
  • RAM: DDR, DDR2, DDR3


Dr Royan Ong

Course Schedule





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  ProvenPac Sdn. Bhd.
  C-4-3 Gembira Park,
  Jalan Riang, 58200
  Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

  Tel: +603 03 5889 5889

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