Consultancy and Total Solutions Training Provider for Embedded Systems, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Programming, Computing, Operations, ISO9000, ISO14000 and Management.

Bridging the Gap

Training Courses

ISO9001:2008 Quality Management System Awareness

Course id: 0011


ISO9001 Quality Management System is an international quality assurance standard developed by the International Organisation for Standardisation and its standard can be verified by audit for which a certificate is awarded.

This course is specifically tailored to create awareness and better understanding for all levels of staff particularly the Management Representative and the Team Members who need to plan and implement QMS effectively upon thoroughly understanding the requirements of the five Elements for a successful certification.

Course highlight
Participants will have better understanding and awareness of QMS and its system requirements, policy and how to begin, organize and implement the Elements using its model for the benefit of an organization.

What participants say about the course
The following are some verbatim statements from the participants:

  • Easy to understand. Presented in layman terms -- Jan 2012
  • Great coordinator with good experience on this field, the explanation made was easily understood -- Jan 2012

What you will learn

This course comprises of the following topics:
  • Terminology used in Quality Management System
    • Definition
    • Benefits
    • ISO 9000 family of standards
    • Objectives of ISO 9001
    • 8 Quality Mgmt Principles
    • Process approach model
  • The five auditable elements of ISO 9001 (QMS, Mgmt Responsibility, Resource Mgmt, Product Realisation and Measurement, Analysis and Improvement)
  • Element on Quality Management System
  • Element on Management Responsibility
  • Element on Resource Management
  • Element on Product Realisation Requirements
  • Element on Measurement, Analysis & Improvement Requirements
  • How to begin
Participants would, in addition, be introduced to the ISO 9001 QMS Model as a guideline for implementation of its standards.

Who should attend

This course is suited for all levels of staff in an organization particularly those team members who need to plan, implement, monitor, conduct internal audit and provide training. Management Representative, HODs, managers and supervisors and specifically those from Quality Department are encouraged to attend for better understanding and support to the team members.


Participants are not required to have any special background knowledge but those from Quality Assurance Department and those who are interested in understanding the general requirements of QMS and how it is implemented for an organisation’s and his/her benefits.

Course methodology

This course is presented in a lecture using Powerpoint presentation.

Course duration

1 day.

Course structure

  • Overview: defination, standard’s history, benefits, model
  • Element 4.0: QMS : general requirements, documentation, manual, document control, quality records
  • Element 5.0: Management Responsibility : commitment, customer focus, Q policy, planning, Q objectives, responsibility, authority, MR, communication
  • • Element 6.0: Resource Management : provision of human resources, training, infrastructure, work environment
  • Element 7.0.: Product Realisation : planning of PR, customer related processes, product requirements, customer communication, product design & development, purchasing, production & service provision, identification & traceablity
  • Element 8.0: Measurement, Analysis & Improvement Requirements : customer satisfaction, internal audit, monitoring & measurement of process & product, non-conformance, data analysis, continual improvement, corrective & preventive action
  • How To Begin: QMS Project Committee, appoint MR, responsibilities, gap analysis, policies, design procedures, program to achieve objectives & targets, audits.


Roger Ong

Course Schedule





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  ProvenPac Sdn. Bhd.
  C-4-3 Gembira Park,
  Jalan Riang, 58200
  Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

  Tel: +603 03 5889 5889

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