Consultancy and Total Solutions Training Provider for Embedded Systems, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Programming, Computing, Operations, ISO9000, ISO14000 and Management.

Bridging the Gap

Training Courses

Internet Connectivity for Bare-metal Embedded Systems

Course id: 0047


The pervasiveness of computing devices surrounding us is indeed incredible these days, to the tune of millions of lines of software code swarming each and every one of us. Connectivity is central to the vision of a smart world with computers embedded anywhere and everywhere that collectively aids us in our everyday lives.

This course introduces the fundamentals of internetworking and brings it right down to the device level. Participants will be introduced to internetworking technologies such as Ethernet, ARP, IPv4, UDP, TCP and HTTP.

Course highlight Participants would be programming in a bare-metal environment (no operating system) on the STM32F103ZE ARM Cortex-M3 microcontroller. They will be using the industrial standard Keil MDK-ARM environment and the lwIP internet protocol stack.

What you will learn

This course focuses on the theory and hands-on of networking. Upon completing the course, participants would be able to achieve the following learning outcomes:
  • Understand the fundamentals of internet connectivity
  • Control Ethernet adaptors and the ARP protocol
  • Understand and implement IPv4, UDP and TCP with the lwIP protocol stack
  • Control embedded systems hardware via UDP and TCP
  • Develop a simple HTTP server

Who should attend

This course is suitable for engineers who would like to embrace networking in the bare-metal environment, especially for resource constraint embedded systems.


Participants are required to know how to program in C, and have a basic understanding of microcontroller development. It is also recommended that participants have a basic understanding of the FAT file system.

Course methodology

This course is presented in a workshop style with example-led lectures interlaced with demonstrations and hands-on practical for maximum understanding.

Course duration

4 days.

Course structure

  • Introduction to networking
    • Overview
    • IPv4 protocols
    • Protocol analysis tools such as Ostinato and Wireshark
  • Ethernet and the Physical layer
    • Introduction to Ethernet
    • Controlling the DM9000 Ethernet interface
    • Hands-on practical 1: Interfacing Ethernet
  • Lightweight Internet Protocol (lwIP) stack
    • Introduction to the lwIP stack
    • lwIP frame storage and access
    • Configuring lwIP
    • Hands-on practical 2: Implementing lwIP
  • Address Resolution Protocol
    • Overview of the Address Resolution Protocol
    • Hands-on practical 3: Address Resolution Protocol
  • Internet Protocol
    • Introduction to IPv4
    • Configuring lwIP for IPv4
    • Hands-on practical 4: Internet Protocol
  • Internet Control Message Protocol
    • Introduction to the Internet Control Message Protocol
    • Hands-on practical 5: Internet Control Message Protocol
  • User Datagram Protocol
    • Fundamentals of the User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
    • Configuring lwIP for IPv4 and UDP
    • Hands-on practical 6: User Datagram Protocol
  • Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
    • Introduction to TCP
    • Configuring lwIP for TCP
    • Hands-on practical 7: Transmission Control Protocol
  • Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
    • Introduction to HTTP
    • Developing a simple web server
    • Hands-on practical 8: Embedded HTTP Server


Dr Royan Ong

Course Schedule





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  ProvenPac Sdn. Bhd.
  C-4-3 Gembira Park,
  Jalan Riang, 58200
  Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

  Tel: +603 03 5889 5889

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