Consultancy and Total Solutions Training Provider for Embedded Systems, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Programming, Computing, Operations, ISO9000, ISO14000 and Management.

Bridging the Gap

Training Courses

Fundamentals of Internet Connectivity with Embedded Linux

Course id: 0057


The Internet of Things (IOT) is a vision that leads to a smart world with ubiquitous computing and networking, where computers can be embedded everywhere and programmed to act with or without human intervention. Internetworking is one of the key enabling technologies in IOT as it provides communication capabilities to meet a variety of services for person-to-person, person-to-machine and machine-to-machine interactions.

This course introduces the internetworking capability of Embedded Linux based on the Raspberry Pi platform. Participants will be introduced to setting up servers in Embedded Linux, socket programming and general purpose input/output (GPIO) port controlling through the internet.

What you will learn

This course focuses on the theory and hands-on of networking in Embedded Linux. Upon completing the course, participants would be able to achieve the following learning outcomes:
  • Familiarize with Linux networking environment and tools
  • Configure and set up web server and FTP server
  • Develop basic socket-based networking applications
  • Configure and use the GPIO port over the network

Who should attend

This course is suitable for engineers who would like to embrace networking in embedded Linux and/or begin to develop socket-based networking applications.


Participants are required to know how to program in C, and have a basic understanding of TCP/IP.

Course methodology

This course is presented in a workshop style with example-led lectures interlaced with demonstrations and hands-on practical for maximum understanding.

Course duration

2 days.

Course structure

  • Introduction to networking in Embedded Linux
    • Overview
    • Configuring the Linux networking environment
    • Using common Linux networking tools
    • Hands-on practical 1: Basic Linux network configuration
  • General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO)
    • Introduction to the GPIO port
    • Using inputs and outputs
    • Hands-on practical 2: Basic I/O with switches and LEDs
  • Setting up servers in Embedded Linux
    • Setup and configuring Apache, MySQL and PHP (LAMP)
    • Hands-on practical 3: Setup and configuring the LAMP stack
    • Setup and configuring the FTP server
    • Hands-on practical 4: Setup and configuring an FTP server
  • TCP/IP socket programming
    • Fundamentals of socket programming
    • Developing socket applications for IPv4 TCP clients
    • Hands-on practical 5: IPv4 TCP client application
    • Developing IPv4 TCP servers
    • Hands-on practical 6: IPv4 TCP server application
  • Controlling GPIO over the Internet
    • Send and receive basic GPIO data via TCP/IP sockets
    • Hands-on practical 7: GPIO control via TCP
    • Controlling GPIO via web pages
    • Hands-on practical 8: Web Control

Course Schedule





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  ProvenPac Sdn. Bhd.
  C-4-3 Gembira Park,
  Jalan Riang, 58200
  Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

  Tel: +603 03 5889 5889

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